Color Palette

@Choose Your Color Palette

September, 2020

Choosing the right colors is very important. More than text colors and images - visual interpretations of the things set the tone and mood. Colors chosen right can make the simplest of web apps look cool and attractive. Hence, it plays a key role in making a user friendly web-sites

Bright colors: Usage of bright colors should be sparse. Staring at bright colors for a long time hurts the eyes and makes them tired quickly. Though, they have their own benefits. When we look at something, the first thing we perceive is sharp colors. Hence, bright colors are good highlighters. Yellow, Orange, Red, and Neon are best examples of this. Best ways to use these colors are in highlights, accents, or muted shades of these colors.


Low blue light colors: Ever wondered why "Dark mode" is more comfortable to use? Colors containing higher level of blue light also cause eye-strain. The background should never be stark white because it contains one of the highest intensities of blue light. Instead, use a tinted or neutral shade. The key to this is to use less green and least blue tones.

That leaves us with no color to use 😂. Well, the key is to use a right level of contrast between the text and the background. Just remember to choose pleasing colors!!
