Harshna, the software developer


I am a software developer. I love dabbling in colors. I hold an ardent desire to create aesthetically pleasing apps that are user-friendly. I am curious person by nature and always eager to learn more.

I love creativity in all its forms. A part of my relaxation time is spent doodling or reading arresting novels.


Some of the technologies that I am familiar with include HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, ReactJs, NodeJs, GIT, and Web Hosting. I am also familiar with the concepts of data structures and database designing. At present, I'm learning MERN stack.


I started serious work on web development in the second half of 2021. I have documented my journey through projects. Any feedback is utmost welcome.

Peruse Projects


I like to simplify concepts and make them easy to remember. Click on the button below to see how I do it!

Read Blogs

new blogs coming soon!